乔恩·巴顿,Trained at the Camp Pendleton school of infantry in 2001, with a PMOS of 0351, serving as both an infantry assault-man with 1st Marine Division, and then as a light armored vehicle (anti-tank) commander at LAR Battalion. Jon continued his training throughout the Marine Corps, earing certificates in over 27 different schools and training courses including NCO school in 2009, counter terrorism, reconnaissance, mountaineering, and A-MOUT (advanced military operations on urban terrain), just to name a few.After his first combat tour in 2003/4 he became the Echo company, 2nd battalion 23rd Marine regiment's dedicated mountaineering and asymmetric warfare instructor and, from 2008 to 2010, the asymmetric warfare instructor for Alpha Company, 4th Light Armored Recon battalion. Throughout his time in the Marines, he continued to develop a love of weapons and weapons systems, and in 2008 was one of only a handful of sergeants at Camp Pendleton who completed the comprehensive "long rifle" range safety officer (RSO) course. This allowed him to open, operate, and run platoon, company and battalion level weapons training courses on all light, medium, and heavy weapons throughout the entire base.Serving from 2001 to 2011 in both active / reserve duty, he received the Combat Action Ribbon with bravery commendation, three Navy Achievement Medals, along with many certificates of commendations for NCO combat instructor excellence, and mountain warfare at both the company and battalion level.Jon had been active in the film and television industry since before joining the Corps, and when time and deployments allowed, he collected a team of other veterans, launching his first company; GUNMETAL, which was dedicated to veteran job creation in movies and tv in 2006. From 2006 onward, he served as a senior military consultant and weapons choreographer for some of the biggest movies, video games, and TV shows in the world. He has been a private weapons trainer for celebrities including Tom C