August Fegley,August Kiss Fegley was born in New York City and raised as a toddler there until her family moved to Allentown. She is the daughter of actors Michael Fegley and Merce Tonne, and the sister of actors Oakes Fegley and Winslow Fegley. She has been on the stage almost non-stop since 2008. She has worked in several films, but continues to enjoy a steady schedule working in the theater. in 2017, she won Best Actress in a Musical (for the title role in Carrie the Musical) from the Lehigh Valley Press. She also won Best Scene in the the 2017 PA Shakespeare Festival Competition. To top it off, for 2017 she was awarded Best Emerging Artist by the City of Allentown's Arts Ovation Awards. August is represented by Susan Wright of Ann Wright Representatives (212) 764-6770 for stage and screen.