卡罗·科拉松,Carlo Corazon was born in Virginia, but grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut. As a child growing up in the 'projects' (as they were called) he put on plays starring his younger brothers and sister then charged his parents to attend. You could see even as child Carlo was torn between artistic values and monetary values. As a teenager he filmed his younger siblings football games and then would help edit and score a highlight reel with his Mom (Martha) for the season's banquet finale.In junior high school Carlo was in charge of the stage lighting for the plays while starring in sports. In high school, he lettered and starred in both Varsity football and baseball. He also took a class on 'stagecraft' learning the art work and stage design for theatre. Between working and sports, on the outside Carlo's life appeared to be on the up and up, though in his time off he would journey into the darker side of life as a teen.By the early 1980s, Carlo's son was born. That was a profound moment in his life. It was also a quick dose of reality for the athletic and creative genius/problem child (one minute a star - the next minute a husband and father) but it may have saved his life. Life on the streets as a thug can take its toll on one's health and did for some of Carlo's partners in crime. He saw a few friends and acquaintances pass. It also took a toll on his marriage. He and first wife Laurie divorced after three years. Working in a 'dead end' job and just unhappy with his life's direction, he started playing football again in a Fairfield County league with one of his best friends where he not only starred, but helped lead his team to several titles. Unfortunately a knee injury ended any chance of him playing anymore or possibly going further with football (American).By 1986, he looked towards the theatre and within days after signing on into an acting class in Bridgeport, Connecticut he found himself co-starring in a version of the Sam Sheppard play 'True West'. That help