艾伦·温宁顿演员 | 编剧
Alan Winnington

艾伦·温宁顿,Born in London in 1910, Winnington joined the British Communist Party in 1934 and by 1948 was made Press Officer. That same year Harry Pollitt, the Chairman of the party suggested he would be the ideal candidate to fulfil a request from the Chinese Communist Party Information Service for an English speaking advisor to assist with news and propaganda. An initially reluctant Winnington then found himself an Honorary General within the ranks of the People’s Liberation Army, as the Communist forces marched into Beijing and founded the People's Republic of China. Aside from fulfilling his advisory role to the CCP, Winnington was also able to provide reports for the Daily Worker, providing invaluable information from behind the Bamboo curtain. When, in 1950 the Korean War broke out between the Communist North and the US-backed South, the Worker saw a unique opportunity for a British reporter to witness the conflict from a communist viewpoint and so Winnington, with Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett, were the only two Western journalists permitted to accompany the Korean People’s Army on the frontline. During the course of his reporting, Winnington witnessed first-hand the devastation caused by the conflict including the use of chemical weapons on civilians and the experience of nearly losing his own life when the jeep he was travelling in came under fire from US planes.Two events during his time in Korea were to have a marked impact on the rest of Alan Winnington’s life, both professionally and personally. In 1953 he was taken by locals to a site in the village of Rangwul in Daejeon where he witnessed the aftermath of a massacre carried out by the South Korean government in the presence of US troops, of 7000 political prisoners. Outraged and appalled by what he had witnessed, Winnington produced a pamphlet entitled I Saw the Truth in Korea which contained his account and the photographs taken at the site and was published by the Daily Worker. The accusations that Win
