猫眼电影 > Il grande complotto... the movie
Il grande complotto... the movie海报封面图

Il grande complotto... the movie

2003-06-27意大利上映 / 87分钟

The story starts with the 44-years-old journalist, Roberto "The Beast" Croci, forced (because of lack of money) to leave Venice's Metropol Hotel. But he's a good journalist and immediately starts looking for a new, fresh story for his L.A.-based editor, Mr. Gordon. He enters a music store and finds out an old LP, "The Great Complotto", with the popular Pordenone's Saint George bell tower on the cover. Intrigued by the 1970s album, he decides to find out more about "The Great Complotto" and what remains of it in the present day. He arrives at Pordenone by night and soon he starts to visit all the parties and all the concerts to understand something more about the musical live in that tiny Italian province.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900