猫眼电影 > 여자아리랑


Yeoja arirang
1993-09-04韩国上映 / 102分钟

SYNOPSIS Rose Club is the name for a gathering of women who stake their claims on a new generation of feminine power. Novelist Eun-ha, designer Chanel Jeong and actress Min-kyung make up this club. The women of this club work passionately to be the best in their fields; Eun-ha, in the name of research for her subject matters, seduces and destroys successful men of different fields, Chanel begins an affair with her new assistant Cody Park and Min-kyung tries numerously but unsuccessfully to seduce Lee, a film director. But Min-kyung realizes what true love is through her make-up artist, Woo-suk. 故事 小说家银河,香奈儿设计师Jung和民不愿透露姓名的女演员将组织一个俱乐部起立要求新一代女性的力量。在该杂志银河男人成功在各自的领域在结束劳动,发现所述材料的连载小说进入万劫不复之地被他英俊的外表和精湛的诱惑抱怨后,一种全新的信息。国家bodeon natnatyi通过望远镜这些星系的隐私被无情地临近星系的样子,但beonbeonyi该杂志部门沮丧。同时,香奈儿和英镑在科米晚上心理战与就业女性的情绪改变卖场的气氛开始一场秘密恋爱,玩,和民间有抱负的明星是电影业的车轮主教公开访问,但未能成功。但闵是通过bunjangsa知道真正的爱情的又石不断地观察自己。

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