猫眼电影 > Someone Must Pay
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Someone Must Pay

1919-09-28美国上映 / 60分钟

Stockbroker Henry Taylor becomes insanely jealous when wealthy South African jeweler Charles Bryant shows friendly attentions to Taylor's wife Regina and adopted daughter Vivian. Henry banishes Bryant from the Taylor home. In order to lavish riches on his wife, Henry speculates wildly and then uses a client's stocks to raise funds. The client threatens Henry with arrest, but agrees to withdraw the charge if Regina raises the appropriate funds. Bryant comes to her aid, but Henry believes another friend is responsible. When he learns the truth, Henry drives Regina and Vivian from home and they seek shelter from a heavy rainstorm in the asylum in which Regina was reared. Vivian contracts pneumonia and dies. Meanwhile, Henry seeks out Bryant and shoots him. In the ensuing trial, Bryant reveals that he is Regina's father and that he had been compelled to flee to South Africa after being accused of a murder of which he was innocent.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900