猫眼电影 > The Flying Horseman
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The Flying Horseman

1926-09-03美国上映 / 50分钟

This fast moving story is based upon Max Brand's novel. Mark Winton (Buck Jones), is in route to the sleepy little town of Los Santos, when he encounters Bert Ridley abusing on of eight boys, the sons of Happy Joe. Happy Joe is a jolly old derelict who has a shack on the ranch of Col. Savary. Bert Ridley, in love with June, Col Savary's daughter, takes a beating at the hands of buck. He leaves swearing vengeance. How he compromised Buck, falsely accuses him of murder, and tries to prevent Silver Dollar from winning the Comanche Handicap lays the foundation for one of the most absorbing screen stories seen in recent months.

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