猫眼电影 > The Turn of the Road
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The Turn of the Road

1915-11-01美国上映 / 50分钟

Helen King, a devoted wife and mother, spends most of her time in the care of her little son, Jack. Her husband, John, although loving her dearly, feels slighted because she does not care to become a part of the social life of which he is a prominent member, and when the temptress comes, in the person of Marcia Wilbur, an old school chum of Helen's is susceptible to her charms. Marcia is a born coquette and begins her heart conquering campaign «n Doctor Bright, the King's friend and physician, whom she leads on, only to cast aside when he proposes. Marcia, unable to restrain her propensity to flirt, exercises all her arts on John. Helen hears the whole town is gossiping about the intimacy of her husband and Marcia, but laughs at the idea. John gives way to his infatuation and the two elope. Helen, returning home, finds Jack in a high fever and phones Dr. Bright. The runaway couple meet the doctor on his way to the King home, at a turn in the road, and veering to one side are forced ...

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