猫眼电影 > The Siren's Song
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The Siren's Song

The Siren`s Song
1915-12-13美国上映 / 50分钟

A young man, who comes to the big city to make his way in the world, has been unfortunate in securing employment. At last he receives a position with a bank. Through his limited knowledge of the world he is used by his employers as a tool to dupe patrons into purchasing worthless stock. Fearing detection, the employers make their "getaway," and leave the clerk to face the rioting depositors. The young man is arrested and sentenced to serve four years in prison. His prison life ended, he adopts the name of John Grey and decides to go to a foreign country. On board the steamer he meets Blake, the former bank president, and his confederate, Helen Granger. Grey becomes so embittered against Blake that he awaits an opportunity to demand reparation. Late at night he finds Blake on the deck alone and accosts him. There is a fight, at the termination of which Blake throws Grey overboard.

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