猫眼电影 > The Trail of the Lonesome Pine
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The Trail of the Lonesome Pine


A feud between the Tollivers and Falins has existed for many years. Jack Hale, a New York Mining Engineer, comes into the country and searches for coal lands. He hears of coal on the Tolliver land and, after investigating, begins large operations, during which he falls in love with June, daughter of Judd Tolliver. Dave Tolliver, nephew of Judd, has long loved June and becomes frantically jealous of Jack. June first loves Jack with childish simplicity, but through the duplicity of her cousin Dave, she learns her love for Jack is more than childish fancy. Jack wants her sent to school and with the consent of Judd furnishes funds for her education. Judd and Dave Tolliver are moonshiners, whose unlawful business is discovered by Jack, who has been appointed sheriff, and after a desperate attempt by Dave and his friend Red Fox to kidnap June, Jack decides to send June to New York to finish her education. The coal interests prove bad; failure stares Jack in the face.

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