猫眼电影 > Fairie


科幻 / 奇幻
2002-09-09美国上映 / 75分钟
IMDb 6.7

In the world of nine fairy types who are celebrating New Years Eve at the base of the Hollywood Sign. Little tiny modern creatures, the fay (fairy) folk possess a vast assortment of magical powers and bizarre capabilities. Though physically different, their inner dilemmas are often akin to humans, making them simultaneously 'fantastical' and 'relate-able'. Inhabiting a parallel universe, yet now a separate one, the fay provide valuable life teachings through humor, absurdity, and simply clarity. A dose of social commentary with a pleasant taste, FAIRIE, is a wild coaster ride with a subliminal current of knowledge underlying its various twists and turns. Our diverse group consists of an ancient Irish fairy King, a tattooed and winged flower Queen, a shy placating brownie, 2 elves (one light and one dark), a tri-aged sibyl fay, a mischievous goblin, a shape-shifting phooka, and a sleeping, snoring baby dwarf. Fairies being notorious indulgers, they all partake of various substances, ...

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