Two contestants, one a champion, competed in this variant of the popular series "Concentration." Host Cullen shows the contestants eight answers on a 3-by-3 game board; they have eight seconds to study the answers before they are concealed. Cullen reads a question; the first player to ring in called out the number where he/she thought the correct answer was hidden. Wrong answers were usually very funny (e.g., "What redhead starred in 'I Love Lucy' with her husband, Desi Arnaz?" Incorrect answer: "Elmer Fudd"). Two such rounds were played, with each correct answer worth 10 points in round one and 20 points in round two. The first player to score 100 points won $100 and played a bonus game. In the first weeks of the show, players had to correctly match up the names spouses of celebrities and other famous people, which had been scrambled. Later, players called out numbers on the Eye Guess board, with seven numbers revealing prizes and the eighth concealing a "STOP" sign; clearing the ...
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