猫眼电影 > 拜访



导演介绍 Director’s Biography 林见捷毕业于纽约大学电影学院。他的短片《拜访》在中国独立影像展首映后,入围了包括日本 Short Shorts Film Festival 在内的多个国际影展。2015他作为15位参加者之一在柏林电影节东京天才训练营接受培训。目前其新短片《顾》正在后期制作中。 Jianjie Lin just received his MFA degree from New York University's Film Program. His short film A VISIT was selected by several international film festivals including Short Shorts Film Festival (2016) after its premiere at CIFF (2015). In November 2015, he was selected as one of the 15 participants of Berlinale Talents Tokyo. He is currently working on the post-production of his new short film GU. 梗概 Synopsis 一位母亲带着自己7岁的儿子前去拜访市重点小学的校长,希望以她儿子在书法方面的才华以及 她所精心准备的一袋礼物,让儿子顺利踏上求学的漫漫长路。 A mother takes her 7 year-old son to visit the headmaster of the best elementary school in town, hoping that his talent in calligraphy and her special gift will get the boy into the school.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900