猫眼电影 > La belle occasion
La belle occasion海报封面图

La belle occasion

2017-04-12法国上映 / 79分钟

La Belle Occasion centers around Sarena, a young woman whose entire life has been closely linked to her ill father and her younger and immature brother. They are circus people and their somber and predictable existence seems secure enough until they have a chance encounter with a young girl. She opens up their home to them, offering them new possibilities and allowing them to access paths never explored before. The film highlights the theme of the self-esteem of a woman: how a woman is unconsciously programed to be everything for everyone, creating an absolute dependency in order to feel loves and appreciated by men and women. It poses the question of knowing if it is possible for human beings to rewrite their future differently and to not be defined by an oppressive and hopeless past.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900