猫眼电影 > 守護莫卡蒂


Protecting Manuwangku
2014澳大利亞上映 / 23分钟

影片呈現了居住在澳洲中部沙漠的瓦曼巴族人,如何堅決捍衛他們的家園,以長達八年的持續抗爭,反對澳洲政府將莫卡蒂選為核廢儲存場址。他們的抗爭在2014年6月取得了前所未有的歷史性勝利,政府同意讓步,放棄將莫卡蒂劃定為候選場址,為反核運動提供了重要的經驗和啟發。然而,儘管莫卡蒂的反核廢運動取得了成果,但澳洲政府的核廢處置法例仍然對原住民的傳統領域虎視眈眈。 Protecting Manuwangku showcases the strength and determination of the Warlmanpa people in the Central Australian desert, fighting to defend their country and culture from the national nuclear waste dump proposed on their traditional land. The eight-year Muckaty campaign achieved an historic victory in June 2014 when half way through a federal court challenge, the federal government agreed not to further pursue the site. But radioactive waste laws continue to target Aboriginal Land and suspend basic rights. The film provides important lessons and inspiration for the many battles to come.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900