猫眼电影 > Cafe Con Leche
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Cafe Con Leche


American ATF agent Franco is sent to Mexico City to assist the local authorities with their investigation of Alvaro Manrique, a gangster suspected of trafficking in arms and human beings. But when he discovers that Alvaro is really his long-lost father, Franco must crack the case by convincing Alvaro’s other son, the loyal Eduardo, to see their father for the vicious criminal that he really is. 美國ATF特工佛朗哥被派往墨西哥城,協助當地政府調查涉嫌販賣武器和人類的黑幫阿爾瓦羅曼里克。但是,當他發現阿爾瓦羅是他失散多年的父親時,佛朗哥必須說服阿爾瓦羅的另一個兒子,忠誠的愛德華,认清他們的父親是否是真正的惡毒罪犯。

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