猫眼电影 > 三十年战争:铁器时代


Die Eiserne Zeit - Lieben und Töten im Dreißigjährigen Krieg
纪录片 / 剧情
2018-10-13德国开播 / 52分钟

2018年是特殊事件的周年纪念日:1618年三十年战争的开始。由六部分组成的纪录片电视连续剧《三十年战争:铁器时代》从亲身经历的人的角度讲述了三十年战争:军官,士兵,国王,农民,神父和商人。她的报告,信件和日记条目使该系列成为一幅激动人心的,令人神往的画作。 波西米亚叛乱分子与哈布斯堡王朝之间的区域冲突开始演变成一场巨大的战争。新教徒和天主教徒为所谓的真正信仰而战。实际上,一切都与权力有关。中欧三十年来一直遭受屠杀,野蛮和苦难的困扰。战争爆发了饥荒和流行病。 该系列从亲身经历的人的角度讲述了三十年战争:官兵,普通士兵,国王和将军,农民,祭司和商人,受灾地区和城市的居民。其中有雇佣军的彼得·哈根多夫(Peter Hagendorf),被指控犯有巫术的客栈老板芭芭拉·谢勒(Barbara Xeller),“冬季女王”伊丽莎白·斯图亚特(Elisabeth Stuart)和著名的画家彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens)。该系列作品将其引人入胜的报告,信件和日记条目浓缩成一幅激动人心且极为吸引人的时间绘画。 This documentary drama series tells the story of the Thirty Years War from the perspective of the people who experienced it: like the soldier Peter Hagendorf, the "Winter Queen" Elisabeth Stuart, the famous artist Peter Paul Rubens and the "Grey Eminence" Father Joseph. Their gripping accounts, letters and diary entries are condensed into a fascinating and emotive portrait of the time. In the 17th century, a generation of painters and illustrators developed the first type of visual mass medium - genre art, the pictorial representation of scenes and events from everyday life. The artists visualized the world they lived in with all its facets: markets, domestic settings, interiors, parties, inns, street scenes, and many more. This visual memory of the 17th century forms the 'archive footage' in the series. Combined with vivid drama and contributions from international experts, the series builds a bridge between "now" and "then" enabling viewers to experience what it was like to live through the Thirty Years' War.

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