猫眼电影 > 劳力发电厂


Labour Power Plant

一个新的生产中心,可能会建立在一个未知的未来。这里生产什么?我们将通过跟踪给定的痕迹来发现。两对手试图解开自己。一只人类绵羊几乎被切成碎片。热烈欢迎他们生活中的作家和演员。讲述故事时,他们的叙述者仔细分析。当大门打开时,那些离开劳动力发电厂的人已经适应了劳动力市场的需求。下一个生产周期开始了……拥有自己意愿、兴趣和欲望的人,正被赋予不同的生理、认知、心理和社会核心能力,将其转化为人力资源。同时,管理层正在引入新的方法来丰富产品,使其具有“自我评估”、“自我优化”和最重要的“自我实现”的创新特征。进行了一系列的干预,导致一个乍一看可能显得奇怪的集会。 A new production center, maybe set in an undetermined future. What is being produced here? We shall find out by following the given traces. Two pairs of hands trying to untangle themselves. A human sheep virtually cut into pieces. A warm welcome to the authors and actors of their lives. Stories being told, their narrators dissected. When the gates open, those leaving Labour Power Plant have been made fit for the demands of the labour market. The next production cycle begins… People with their own wills, interests, and desires are being equipped with the different physiological, cognitive, psychological, and social core competencies to transform them into human resources. Meanwhile, the management is introducing new methods to enrich the products with the innovative features of ‘self-evaluation’, ‘self-optimisation’, and, most importantly, ‘self-fulfilment’. A series of interventions are performed, leading to an assembly that may appear strange at first sight.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900