猫眼电影 > 朋克吧!女孩


Battlescar - Punk was invented by Girls
动画 / 短片
2019-10-18美国上映 / 28分钟

在上世纪70年代的纽约城,离家出走的女孩卢佩(Lupe)因为在公园过夜而被转送到少年拘留中心。在那里,她遇到了摇滚青年打扮的短发少女——戴比(Debbie)。与戴比的相识为她打开了通往朋克世界的大门,一场街头文化启蒙由此开启。两人穿梭在纽约昏暗的街道,跳上呼啸而过的列车 ,那些关于反叛的念头一再闪过。纽约下东区,在这个朋克肆意生长的温床里,年轻人们躁动不安,他们用呐喊的音符投掷来自灵魂深处的怀疑与反抗。 影片采用小说式的章回体结构,以卢佩的手写笔记为线索,一路引导观看者追随女孩的冒险。城市拼图般的故事组合呈现出纽约在朋克亚文化浪潮下的全新面貌,贯穿全片的标志性朋克音乐、独有的批判文化,让所有人得以回溯那个自由意识野蛮生长的时代。 Directed by Argentinian creators Nico Casavecchia and Martin Allais, Battlescar follows the life of 16-year-old Lupe, a Puerto Rican-American teenager living in late 1970’s New York City. Lupe’s handwritten journal guides us through her experiences as she meets Debbie, another runaway kid living in the city. The immersive narrative exudes the energy of New York punk-rock - fast and harsh, loaded with anti-authoritarian ideology and political messages, expressing young rebellion. Battlescar is a coming-of-age drama that explores the theme of identity through the use of animation and immersive environments in virtual reality.


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