猫眼电影 > 视而不见


We Still Have To Close Our Eyes
2019菲律宾 Philippines上映 / 13分钟

黑白畫面,冷調敘事,近未來的人類意志可被程式輕易挾持。瀰漫惡托邦式幻滅氛圍的影像,最初始為劇情電影拍攝現場的側拍花絮。創作者實驗了意義的賦予與變造,亦對菲國產業及社會現況提出觀察。翻玩影像之餘,更藏有為女兒留下影像工作紀實的人父心情。 A compilation of behind-the-scenes footage shot while filming various Filipino films, including those of Lav Diaz and Erik Matti, creates a sense of quiet tension. In the style of slow narrations and in-depth observation, the film builds a dystopian sci-fi narrative of human avatars controlled by applications but is also a commentary on the various forms of contemporary Filipino cinema. “They say once a filmmaker becomes a parent, that person stops making films. The Remote Daddy Framework is a way for me to go out of the house to document in spurts of three hours to repurpose and make" J. Torres

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900