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Where the Trail Divides

Little "How," an Indian boy, following the uprising of the Indians, is adopted by Col. Lander and taken to Col. Lander's home. Little Bessie Rowland, about the same age, is also adopted by Col. Lander, Bessie's parents having been killed in the uprising. Bessie and "How" grow up together and at the age of fifteen "How" is sent to school and makes rapid headway in the white man's mode of civilization and education. Graduation time comes and Col. Lander and Bess visit "How" and are met there by Craig, Col. Lander's nephew. Craig showers so much attention on Bess that "How" becomes jealous. At the graduation dance, Craig proposes to Bess and is refused, while "How" proposes and is accepted. They all start for Buffalo Butte Ranch at Cayote City. "How" displays his courage by cowing a bully. Later Craig, who has learned of the engagement of Bess and "How," attacks "How" but gets the worst of it. Arriving at the ranch Craig brings on a violent scene with Col.

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