猫眼电影 > 吉卜林的女人


Kipling's Women
剧情 / 喜剧 / 冒险
1961-05-06美国上映 / 60分钟

One of the first of the Nudies to gain wide-spread showing in the U.S., although still relegated mostly to the grind houses or, in some situations, long-time schlock distributor Kroger Babb "four-walled" it, by renting the theatre for a flat fee and taking all of the proceeds including, according to one exhibitor, the theatre rental fees. This film purports to be "A Picturization of Rudyard Kipling's Immortal Poem---The Ladies." It starts with retired soldier and world-traveler Tommy Atkins in a pine lodge enjoying his pipe and 4-fingers of Scotch, and there to provide other creature comforts is the voluptuous Cameo Girl, while Tommy opens a Kipling volume that he allows is an account of his own experience with women around the world. The selling point in the ads is that all the women shown "are wearing the wind" and nothing else. Very true. Very naked.

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