猫眼电影 > 游廊怪风


剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖
1968-05-30墨西哥上映 / 88分钟

Claudia is a young girl who's suffering from horrible and terrifying nightmares at her all girl boarding school. They involve the voice of a mysterious girl calling her name at all hours of the night. When Claudia and her friends break the rules by trespassing a tower that was forbidden to go into, the harsh Head Mistress, Miss Bernarda punishes them by making them stay at the school during Spring Break. Miss Lucia, a good teacher feels the punishment has been too severe since a similar incident happened 5 years before when a student received the same punishment with horrendous and tragic consequences, and she is afraid it might happen again. But the tragedy from 5 years ago will reap the consequences now, as a tormented and restless spirit will enact her revenge.

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