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Ruz-egar-e ma
2002-08-18瑞士上映 / 75分钟

在2001年伊朗總統大選時,導演蘭莎漢決定跟拍選舉時的情形,包括一群新生代伊朗演員滿懷希望為上屆伊朗總統哈塔米競選的情形,導演的女兒也在這助選行列之中。在影片拍攝期間,導演也跟其中原本要參選卻被刷掉的48位女性候選人碰面,在會談過程中,導演被其中一位女性候選人阿韓佐的故事深深打動。 阿韓佐除了要撫養9歲的女兒及年老眼盲的母親,她更想為伊朗的人民服務。 為了要完成自己的願望,阿韓佐離開家鄉來到德黑蘭,在這個大城市中,這位女性參選人的故事才將要開始… A very interesting documentary, 28 April 2003 Author: PersianPlaya408 from Milpitas, California Our Times ,First-Viewing, cinema at San Francisco Film Festival, PFA Theatre in Berkeley,(Rakhshan Bani-Etemad)- DOCUMENTARY An almost perfect portrayal of Iranian society around the time of the recent election (re-election of President Khatami in Iran). Covers many subjects, but basically is making very valid points about the disadvantages women have in Iranian Society. The documentary is very interesting unravels beautifully as the film goes on. Bani-Etemad has done great films in the past, but this documentary ranks as one of her best works, as she concentrates on the life of one woman (although she touches a lot of other aspects of Iranian society). The struggles the woman goes through is just amazingly saddening and inhumane (ahem Islamic Republic of Iran). The directors skill is great, and no wonder why she is known as Iran's best living female director and has won various awards or been nominated at festivals in Torino, Montreal, Moscow, etc.. 9/10

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