猫眼电影 > 诈骗高手


Round 1
2003-03-01日本上映 / 104分钟

独步是日本的孩子,从小梦想当一个出色的演员。在日本,他觉得明星梦很难实现,于是通过好朋友丹德在韩国的叔叔找了一个学习表演艺术的地方。可是独步一到那儿才发现原来是韩国当地的黑社会。独步实在吃不消,还是回到了日本。 有一天,在偶然的机会下,他跟随丹德行骗,之后才发现行骗是一件十分简单的事情。于是独步凭着自己的聪明才智和快速的应变能力,在这一行继续自己的“演艺”生涯…… Toppo is a loud-mouthed, out-of-work actor who dreams of becoming a famous star in Seoul. However, he quickly experiences a setback and returns to Japan where he meets a female con artist named Nene. His involvement in big-time crime begins when he stumbles upon a much sought after treasure, a Korean incense burner said to be valued at 1 billion yen. As syndicates from both Japan and Korea face off, the stakes are raised. Toppo calls on an old half Korean half Japanese friend, Dandy, and with Nene, forms a trio ready to take a dangerous gamble . . .

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