猫眼电影 > 旅者


2005-05法国上映 / 10分钟

The third of the short films on the Best v Best Vol 2 DVD that I watched made me think that perhaps I am doomed to be on the outside looking in with all the films. I say this because Wayfarers just cracked on into what it wanted to do without really giving me anything to help me come along with it. With other films this was a minor issue but here it was a big one. A ten minute look around the grounds and patients within some sort of home for the mentally challenged is fine and it was reasonably interesting but the approach meant it was never more than that. I saw the people and the place but never felt anything for them or understood the wider aim of the film. Is this home part of a bigger failure in Ukraine to deal with the needy of society? I have no idea and, despite having watched this film, still have no idea. Visually the film is great. I really liked the black and white and enjoyed the mix of mobile shots, candid shots and portrait-like, silent frames of the people. It helps it a lot although the failure in the material cannot be redeemed solely by this strength. Overall then, stylistically an interesting film but one where it cries out for context and some sort of help for the audience. For viewers who are aware of the bigger picture or of the relevance, this may prove touching but for myself it was well put together and sadly nothing more than that.

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