猫眼电影 > Toumast - Guitars and Kalashnikovs
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Toumast - Guitars and Kalashnikovs

2010-04-17瑞士上映 / 88分钟

阿雷格部族是的遊牧民族,在撒哈拉沙漠逐水而居,生活在利比亞南部、阿爾及利亞南部至北馬里,尼日爾和布基納法索之間。 電影描繪了圖阿雷格部族幾被趕絕的近代史,在支離破碎的流放生活中,前武裝份子、音樂家Moussa在93年的戰爭中受重傷被移送到法國醫治,傷痊後成立杜馬詩樂隊,以音樂代槍,唱出對佔領者不公義的控訴和對家鄉的思念。 The Tuaregs occupy a huge territory that stretches from central Sahara – southern Libya to southern Algeria – to the North of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. This film retraces the recent history of the Tuaregs; a fragmented history made of suffering, wandering, revolt and injustice, but also of travel, comfort and hope. Toumast was founded in the 90’s around Moussa Ag Keyna. In 1993, after years of combat and resistance, Moussa is severely wounded and evacuated to France.

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