美国籍的政府使用暗语 " 断箭 " 提及包括一个核子的武器意外事件, 和如核子援救 911: 断箭 & 事件自从 1950 以后制造,已经有 32 核武器意外事件发生,知道如 事件代号为"断箭 " 。 一支坏掉的箭被定义为一件包括造成意外的发射,核武器发射引起的失误,错误的引爆,核武器的被窃盗或武器的损失。 至今半公开的文件显示,至少有六个各种型号核武器已经遗失而且从末找回。 巨大的核威胁就在我们的四周。。。。。 现在,这部真实的纪录片根据最近解密文件揭示历史上的 暗语代号为" 断箭 " 的核事件秘密. (以上介绍并无中文原本,银子看了看随便写的,但是理解可能有偏差,哈哈,望大家见谅,附上英文介绍:The U.S. government uses the phrase "broken arrow" to refer to an accident involving a nuclear weapon, and as Nuclear Rescue 911: Broken Arrows & Incidents makes chillingly clear, there have been many more such mishaps than the public realizes. Between 1950 and 1980, there were 32 accidents that involved a nuke, dire situations that featured crashing bombers, disappearing submarines, and even a deadly fiasco in Arkansas triggered when a hapless technician dropped a socket wrench down a missile silo. While some of these events were calamitous, none of them, thankfully, actually set off a nuclear explosion. This film, however, makes the point that some of these misfortunes came astonishingly close to wiping out millions of people. Using a combination of news footage and stock archival footage to portray real events, and a narration delivered by Adam West of Batman fame, the documentary is appropriately sober and tends not to be sensationalistic. Credibility is established by some interviews with participants in the various accidents, and a former Department of Energy spokesman appears throughout to provide details about particular events. An interesting DVD bonus item is an alarmingly upbeat 1950s vintage film short the U.S. Air Force made to showcase its safety procedures in handling nuclear weapons at the height of the cold war.Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered. Now, recently declassified documents reveal the history and secrecy surrounding the events known as "Broken Arrows". )
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