猫眼电影 > 活尸


Живой труп

根据托尔斯泰的同名戏剧作品改编成的电影,由普多夫金主演,是前苏联默片时代晚期的一部杰作。 The Living Corpse (Zhivoy trup) (Country: Germany, Soviet Union; Director: Fyodor Otsep; Writer: Boris Gusman, Anatoli Marienhof, Fyodor Otsep, Leo Tolstoy; Cast: Vsevolod Pudovkin, Maria Jacobini, Viola Garden, Julia Serda, Nato Vachnadze, Gustav Diessl, Vera Maretskaya, Dmitri Vvedensky, Vladimir Uralsky, Boris Barnet) Late-silent Soviet-German masterpiece, with a superb original score recorded live, adapted from Tolstoy's classic about a state prosecutor who stages his own murder. Fedor Ozep, the director of the Russian silent classic The Queen of Spades, used the occasion of his directing this 1928 German co-production of yet another Tolstoy tale as his means to escape from the Soviet system. In the movie, Fedya Protassov (Vsevolod Pudovkin) is doing everything in his power to free his unhappy wife (Mariya Yakobini) from the bondage of marriage so that she can remarry and finally achieve some measure of happiness in life. Unfortunately, the powerful Russian Orthodox church works hard to make any such arrangement impossible, and in the end the only means by which he can bring this about is to commit suicide. The prints and original musical score to this film were restored and shown once more in 1990. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide

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