猫眼电影 > 墓志铭


Epitaph (homage to Dmitri Shostakovich)
剧情 / 短片

纪念苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇逝世30周年,无对白,音乐+黑白影像,类似苏古诺夫早期的那些短片。 Fate of the Artist is inseparable from the time of his life. Here are the works of the masters, and continue to live after his death. The film is "Epitaph" - tells about the fate of Dmitri Dmitrievich, the fate of the country, using a single language, which is organic in the narration about the composer - the language of music. The film became the Eighth Quartet, which Shostakovich himself wrote it: "... if I ever pomru, it is unlikely that person to work on my memory. That is why I have decided to write one. On the cover so you can write:" Dedicated to memory of the author of the quartet. "That is why this quartet sometimes called the biography of the composer. The authors have tried to see the film in a quartet that included the time in which he lived a great composer. However, they say that stories sometimes tend to recur. Boris Dvorkin was born in 1958.He graduated from Leningrad Navy School and worked as a director of the radio station at the fishing boats. Later on the TV companies as a journalist, cameramen and film director.In 2002 graduated Higher Courses For Screen Writers and Film Directors. Workshop of non-fiction film directing. Masters – L.Gurevich, A.Gerasimov.He is working as a director at “Risk” film studio, “Positive-film” studio, studio “Cvart” and other.

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