猫眼电影 > 财富之道


Way of Fortune
2007中国台湾上映 / 73分钟

『媽祖』或是『女海神』,四百年來在我的家鄉,一直是一般百姓最重要的宗教信仰。沿著中國沿岸甚至是南洋地區,至少有一座供奉媽祖的廟宇在各個海邊城市中——這個地理及歷史的分佈正好與中國社會的當代經濟或是工業區域吻合。 令人沮喪的是,經濟急速的發展導致全球的暖化,從世界各地落腳於中國南方沿海的工廠最終將導致洪水的氾濫並淹沒這些供奉媽祖的廟宇。 這對於我們的文明來說確實是一個非常諷刺的發現,“我們“,不僅是中國人或是所有人類,現在或過去,我們華人該如何避免這即將發生的悲劇? This is a time when business, trade and wealth prosper. In the early spring of 2007, the Chinese stock market plunged, leading to a global panic in the world stock market. This has shown that the Chinese economy has already been integrated into the process of globalization. The issues related to people's well-being and the enlarging gap between the rich and the poor became the focus of discussion; in the government work report presented Wen Jiabao, great attention has been given to environmental protection, issues concerning with agriculture, countryside and farmers, education, health care and other public services. Therefore, after more than 20 years of development, the Chinese people have accumulated a considerable amount of money, yet they are also confronted with issues such as the distribution of wealth and the position of social values. 获奖情况: 2008年 入圍第1屆溫哥華亞洲電影節 2008年 入圍第3屆北京獨立電影論壇

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