猫眼电影 > 非洲部落大观


Tribal Secrets

《国家地理频道:非洲部落大观系列》系列节目共有三集,内容是根据主角自己的话所写成的故事。这些故事非常写实,无论任何地方的人看了都有共鸣。观眾收看本系列节目时,会非常有「临场感」。三集节目内容分别要为观眾介绍丁卡族、哈马族以及乌达比民族的故事。 Real stories about real people. This Tribal Odyssey collection of three episodes is based upon character led stories told in their own words. These are real stories about real human dramas, containing narratives repeated throughout every human community in the world. In the film the viewer has a strong sense of 'presence'. You feel that you are actually there and that the stories and relationships that intertwine with the characters are familiar even to Western audiences. The three primitive people in this series are the Dinka, the Hamar and the Wodaabe 引用 1. National.Geographic.Tribal.Secrets.The.Dinka 国家地理 丁卡部落的秘密 Despite decades of civil war and tribal conflict in southern Sudan, the ancient ways of the Dinka have changed little. Discover the traditions at the heart of this tribe and their cattle-centric culture, including showering under urinating cows. 苏丹是非洲面积最大的国家,丁卡人则是该国南部最富裕、骄傲的民族。这支民族分为二十多个部落,部落中还有小部落,每个聚落占据的面积都有足够的水源、牧草。至今丁卡人的生活仍以牲畜为主:各人的角色、他们的信仰与仪式都反应这一点。 引用 2. National.Geographic.Tribal.Secrets.The.Wodaabe 国家地理 乌达比部落的秘密 撒赫耳从塞内加尔延伸到查德,全球最独一无二的乌达比部落就居住在这里。本片叙述乌达比部落的三大仪式。乌达比的女孩七岁订婚,十五岁结婚。将成年的男孩要学习如何化乌达比妆。有两名年轻的已婚男子十分期待吉雷沃庆典,届时他们参加一项男子选美大赛。 The area where the Sahara meets the southern grasslands of West Africa is called the Sahel. It stretches between Senegal in the west and Chad in the East. It is home to the Wodaabe, one of the most extraordinary tribes on earth. The Wodaabe are a nomadic tribe numbering perhaps 65,000 in Niger. They are among the last Nomads left in Africa. This film tells the story of three very important ceremonies. Betrothed at the age of seven a girl is finally to be married at 15. A boy is on the verge of becoming a man, learning how to wear Wodaabe makeup. And two young husbands look forward to the Geerewol festival where they will take part in a male beauty contest. 引用 3. National.Geographic.Tribal.Secrets.The.Hamar 国家地理 哈马部落的秘密 四万五千名哈马人住在西临欧莫河的衣索比亚南部。他们和其他衣索比亚人一样过着农牧生活,唯一的财产就是他们的牲畜。本节目内是两名年轻人准备接受两种截然不同,但却又非常重要的社交仪式洗礼,也就是葬礼和成年礼;两人万一失败,不但会为家族带来耻辱,同时也将遭到族人排挤。 The Hamar live among the bush covered hills of southern Ethiopia. This tribe built around livestock has their own customs, including cattle-leaping ceremonies. Now, the National Geographic Channel takes viewers to this remote land to show us two mens life-changing challenges at the very heart of their culture one faces the rite of passage to manhood while the other must put his fathers uneasy spirit to rest. OR: The Hamar live among the bush covered hills of southern Ethiopia. With their own language and unique ceremonies, the Hamar farm small crops and measure their wealth in cattle and goats. Now, the National Geographic Channel takes viewers to this remote land to show two life-changing challenges at the very heart of their culture. A boy faces the rites of passage to manhood where he must prove himself worthy by successfully completing the cattle-leaping ceremony while the other must put his father's uneasy spirit to rest five years after his death. OR: The Hamar of southwestern Ethiopia measure wealth in cattle and goats. But wealth comes only with risk and sacrifice. Now, the National Geographic Channel takes viewers to this remote land for an intimate look at the life-changing rituals of the Hamar. Boys become men with a perilous cattle-leaping ceremony. Girls and boys show affection with whips and scars. Husbands and fathers rule their herds and families long after death. Visit the land where offerings of cattle and goats bring one man a wife and another peace from the uneasy spirit of a long dead father.

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