猫眼电影 > 罗马之后:圣战与征服


After Rome Holy War and Conquest

Part 1: In the first episode of this two-part series, Boris Johnson travels to France, Spain, Egypt, Israel, Syria and Turkey to investigate the early beginnings of what some people now call 'the clash of civilisations.' This is the idea that the two historically opposed religious cultures of Christianity and Islam are locked into a never-ending cycle of mutual antipathy, distrust and violence. 伦敦市长Boris Johnson走访法国/西班牙/埃及/以色列/叙利亚/土耳其探讨所谓的“文明冲突”的开始,历史上针锋相对的两种宗教文化:基督教和伊斯兰教陷入的憎恶/怀疑/暴力的无休止循环。 Is this really true? There have been many 'clashes' between Christianity and Islam in the period Boris Johnson examines in this series, 632 to 1492. But the real historical picture is far more subtle, interesting and optimistic than the clich�s of a clash of civilisation might suggest. This first programme looks at the early history of Islam; the extraordinary series of conquests that gained for it half the territories of the old Roman empire in just 80 years; the rich and sophisticated civilisation Islam produced; the relationships between Muslims, Jews and Christians; and the background to the crusades. 第一集探讨了伊斯兰教的早期历史;伊斯兰通过一系列的征服战争,在短短的80年中抢夺了一半的古罗马帝国江山;伊斯兰创造的丰富而先进的文明;穆斯林/犹太人/基督教徒之间的关系;十字军东征的背景。 Part 2: Boris Johnson travels to France, Spain, Egypt, Israel, Syria and Turkey to continue his investigation into the early beginnings of what some people now call 'the clash of civilisations'. He begins by looking at the crusades, and the way they are viewed in the west and in the Muslim world today. But Boris finds that the realities of the crusades are far more subtle than modern attitudes to them would have us believe. As with many current entrenched positions about the so-called 'clash of civilisations,' such attitudes are often a rewriting of history in the light of later events. London's mayor also looks at the Sack of Constantinople, when Latin Christians fought eastern Christians, leading eventually to the fall of the city to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. He looks too at the Reconquista in Spain, which culminated in the wholesale expulsion of Jews and Muslims. At every turn of his journey, Boris Johnson finds that the real history is a good deal more subtle and interesting than the fictions that have grown up around it.

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