猫眼电影 > Un passo dal cielo Season 1
Un passo dal cielo Season 1海报封面图

Un passo dal cielo Season 1

电视剧 / 家庭
2011-04-10意大利开播 / 50分钟
IMDb 6.9

Mountain guard Pietro hides a terrible secret from the past. As an experienced climber, he witnessed the fateful fall of his wife while trying to climb a challenging wall. Since then, his life has never been the same again. He decided to retreat to the mountain village of San Candido, hoping to find himself and peace again. The villagers accept him as a “local authority“ and see him as a police officer who often deals with strange cases. One day, however, a real police officer arrives in San Candido from Naples. Vincenzo and Pietro are like night and day, Vincenzo comes from a big city and doesn't like San Candido, but Pietro doesn't like the chilling rhythm of big cities and likes to live in the countryside. However, Vincenzo will soon fall in love of the country too, as veterinarian Silvia lives there, his new and unexpected love. This is a story that combines the western genre and the magic world.


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