猫眼电影 > My Hunter's Heart
My Hunter's Heart海报封面图

My Hunter's Heart

2011-07-08南非上映 / 83分钟

My Hunter's Heart, shot over three and a half years, the film explores the world's most ancient shamanic culture which is severely threatened as their traditional way of life and skills have been taken away from them. It tracks the Khomani San of the Southern Kalahari, the oldest living indigenous tribe in the world, who are genetically linked to every human being on Planet Earth. In modern times, their traditional nomadic way of life has changed and westernisation has severed their link to the land and the animals. The film follows younger members of the clan, /Urugab and his family, as they embark on an epic journey to try to recapture some of the knowledge and skills of their ancestors.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900