猫眼电影 > USA in ICU
USA in ICU海报封面图



Like clean water and unadulterated food and drugs, adequate healthcare is a condition of civilized life. As a nation, we worked to guarantee that Americans are protected against contaminated food and water. These chiefly 20th Century reforms were aimed at improving the health of the American people. Yet, again we find ourselves in a health crisis. The time has come to broaden our conception of public health policy to include the entirety of the delivery of health services. We are a group of non-partisan concerned citizens producing a documentary film which will engage the research and opinions of some of the smartest people our country doesn't know and present viable options for universal healthcare. We will be speaking with professors, doctors, Rhode Scholars and other critical thinkers to present one or several viable plans that will ensure proper healthcare for all Americans. This is a not for profit endeavor and we are raising the money through tax deductible donations.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900