猫眼电影 > Out of the Night
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Out of the Night


When Rosalie Lane's sister dies of overwork in the Treadwell mills, Rosalie asks the company for enough money to bury the unfortunate young woman, but is refused. Desperate, Rosalie becomes a prostitute, and later, artist Ralph Evans hires her to pose for a portrait that will be hung in the Magdalene Home for fallen women. Upon learning that Harry Treadwell owns the home, Rosalie denounces him, but his partner Richard Storrow, who originally denied her the loan, overhears the conversation and hires her as a governess to assuage his own guilt. Young Bob Storrow falls in love with Rosalie, and in answer to his proposal, she writes him a note explaining her past. Learning that Richard, rather than Treadwell, caused her downfall, Rosalie sadly leaves the Storrow estate, but Bob follows her, claiming that he knew of her past all along. Thoroughly remorseful, Richard gives the young couple his blessing.

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