猫眼电影 > Slander House
Slander House海报封面图

Slander House


Madame Helene Smith operates a swanky salon for renovations of women's faces and bodies, with her partner Mazie Mason who grew up with Helene on New York's not-so-swank Tenth Avenue. Mazie is in love with newspaper columnist Terry Kent, who frequents the place for juicy items as the salon is a gathering place for the town's rich and near-rich ladies. Terry calls it a "scandal house" and, if he had known the title would be changed to "Slander House" before release, would have deemed it as such. Upper-crust Doctor Herbert Stallings, with mandatory pencil mustache, is in love with Helene, who isn't all that taken with him. Enter Ruth DeMilo, statuesque showgirl and gold-digger de luxe, quickly followed by Pat Fenton, dashing young man-about-town, who sees and quickly falls in love with Helene, despite the fact she uses Madame as a title.

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