猫眼电影 > Zigo

Dr. Crampton, a distinguished eye specialist, and his wife were dining in a fashionable restaurant, where a gypsy orchestra was playing under the leadership of Zigo, the famous hypnotic violinist. Facing the diners to acknowledge their applause, the musician's deep-set eyes fell upon the doctor's wife. Struck by her beauty, a desire to possess her overwhelmed him. He stepped down from the platform and playing his violin wildly, moved slowly among the guests, stopping here and there to take the pieces of money they tossed aside for him. Suddenly the woman felt a strange sense of uneasiness stealing over her. She turned and found Zigo at her side. His eyes met hers. With a terror-stricken expression upon her face, she involuntarily threw her arms up before her as if to ward off an unseen foe, then fell back into her chair in fear and trembling. Her husband in alarm sprang to her aid. Turning he beheld Zigo standing at his side.

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