猫眼电影 > The Divorce Trap
The Divorce Trap海报封面图

The Divorce Trap


Eleanor Burton, a hotel telephone operator, breaks her engagement to Frederick Lawson, a struggling lawyer, because of an argument about his domineering attitude toward her. She marries Jim Drake, the son of a bank president, but the elder Drake, thinking that she married for money, disinherits his son. They move to a small flat in Harlem where she works to support Drake, but he soon loses interest in married life, takes up with another woman, and agrees to a scheme proposed by a lawyer friend to frame Eleanor as an adulteress, win a divorce, and be taken back by his father. He moves out of the flat and sends word to Eleanor that he is ill in a hotel. Her visit and sufficient planted evidence make it appear that she had been there having an affair with another man. Frederick helps Eleanor compile evidence to vindicate herself and convict Drake and his associates who are arrested. Frederick and Eleanor then resume their romance.

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