猫眼电影 > When You and I Were Young
When You and I Were Young海报封面图

When You and I Were Young


Farm girl Dorothy Miller dreams of becoming a writer, much to the chagrin of her old-fashioned father, who believes that a woman's place is in the home. While in the fields one day, Dorothy meets a young artist who has come to the country to paint landscapes. Attracted by her beauty, the artist urges Dorothy to visit him in the city. After his departure, Dorothy decides to run away to the city in order to realize her ambitions. There she and the artist fall in love and Dorothy becomes one of a settlement of artists residing in the Latin quarter where she writes the story of her experiences. The book, with accompanying illustrations by the artist, is accepted by a well-known publishing house whose head is the father of the artist, estranged from his son because he insisted upon pursuing a career in art. As he reads Dorothy's book, and later as Dorothy's father reads his daughter's book, both parents come to understand the motivations of their children and reconciliations are effected.

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