猫眼电影 > 细小的声音


Small Voices

译 名 微小的声音:柬埔寨儿童的故事/小星星的心愿Based on true events, Small Voices recounts the story of Alam, a Pakistani boy abducted by human traffickers, and his struggle to survive through years of captivity far from home. Smuggled across the sea to the Arab Emirates, Alam and his fellow captives, all aged between 5 and 12 years - from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and the horn of Africa - are trained to race camels for the pleasure of the wealthy sheiks. Risking life and limb each time they ride, the boys have no choice but to follow the orders of their brutal trainers or face brutal punishment.曾因农产富庶被誉为「亚洲米仓」的柬埔寨,却因三十年前波布发动,建立恐怖的赤棉政权政变,发动残酷整肃,使得1/3的国民在迫害中丧生,经济一蹶不振,许多社会问题也因此产生。当中最令人震惊的景象当属「垃圾山」文化。就在首都金边,有个地区专门用来堆弃全国的垃圾,每天有超过三万个柬埔寨人在此拾荒,其中大部分是15岁以下的儿童,别人看来脏臭、毫无价值的垃圾,在这些小小垃圾山居民的眼中,却是藏着宝藏。随着记录团队深入探访,我们听见了小朋友们童言童语中所透露出的对现实的无奈,以及对未来的期待,或许微不足道,但却是最能震撼你我心灵的铿锵之声。

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