猫眼电影 > 天门


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2013-06中国香港上映 / 28分钟

“曉不曉得這裡為什麼叫天門?” 一個同根的家庭;一座變遷的村莊。 爺爺病情漸重,在城市長大成年的孫女陳安然聽從父親安排,回到陌生的家鄉天門接爺爺進城治病。 天門修建高速公路,爺爺的祖屋將遭拆遷,叔叔一直向老父親隱瞞狀況。勢力的嬸嬸屢次向叔叔施加壓力。 慢慢地,陳安然看到 爺爺在這片土地上一輩子的生活痕跡。而在此時,爺爺終將面對祖屋不保的事實。 "Do you know why the village is called 'Heaven's Gate'?" The land bears him life; He bears it with love. Heaven's Gate, once a tranquil village lies in the mountains, is now confronting the fate of being urbanised. Chen Anran, a girl who is raised up in the city, compromises to go back to the distant village to pick up her seriously ill Grandpa to receive treatment in the city. Meanwhile, a fact that a highway construction requiring to remove Grandpa's ancestral house reveals to the old man.

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