猫眼电影 > 海上传奇


No Word For Worry
2014-09-27挪威上映 / 90分钟

作为最后的一批“海上游牧民族”,以胡可为代表的勇士们鼓足了勇气,决定毅然踏上拯救这份独特文化遗产的道路。 胡克从小就在海洋的陪伴下长大,对他来说,大海就是生活的全部。他来自于一个不断消亡的“海上游牧民族”。影片跟随胡克,以生活在现代社会底层人民的视角,记录了胡可和他的莫肯族人在缅甸海滩上的生活。想要拯救这正在消失的文明并非想象中那么简单,这批勇士们还面临严峻的挑战:社会认同、情感、得与失,甚至还有族人内心的归属感。 导演小传 Runar Jarle Wiik出生于1967年。1988年从伦敦国际电影学校毕业。此后参与了上百部电影电视的制作,前后尝试过作家、导演、制片、编辑和摄像等职位。1994年,他与比基尼季节公司制作了他的第一部故事片。 从1994年起,他主要在全球各个地区担任纪录片的摄影指导。他有着自己独特的行事模式,要么就只跟导演共同完成纪录片的拍摄,要么就自己一个人完成所有的工作。在最近几年,他的作品基本上反映的是少数民族的生存困境。 导演阐述 在世界飞速发展的今天,莫肯族是为数不多的仍然保持着传统的民族。他们对传统文化的坚守也给我们以警示,现代化进程似乎让我们背弃了太多。时至今日,他们是唯一一个依然选择在富有民族特色的船上(Kabang)度过一生的民族。他们仿佛在向我们发问,在快节奏的生活中,我们是不是丢掉了太多?但是在种种困难下,他们独特的生活方式也即将终结。原本就不再具有鲜明多样性的世界民族文化“花园”,又将失去一朵曾经艳丽的“鲜花”。我想把莫肯族的故事讲给世界听,让更多的人明白他们坚守的是什么。希望有识之士能从中悟出人类发展的正途。在这部纪录片中,我深入到缅甸的丹老群岛,以及散布在泰国和缅甸边界安达曼海上的苏林群岛,去真实记录与世隔绝的“海上游牧民族”——莫肯族。五年来,我用真心去观察他们的生活,并用影像记录下了点点滴滴。在我的内心里,我不仅仅把他们当做这部纪录片的记录对象,却更像是一个个朋友。这种情感也让这部纪录片更完美,更真实。 在过去的十年,由于过度的人口流动,莫肯族的人口从一万多锐减至现在的不到两千。保护该民族文化的警钟已经敲响。这部纪录片的主角胡克,现在已经成为了我的好朋友。莫肯族人坦承地跟我讲,他们往往不怎么待见外族人,但是他们百分之百地支持我纪录片的拍摄和构思,特别是对莫肯族文化保护的思考。 2014:Eurodok – 欧洲纪录片电影节:观众奖 2014:Nordic/Docs:最佳电影摄影奖 2014:挪威短片电影节:Gullstolen - 金椅奖 As one of the last indigenous sea nomads, Hook must make a courageous voyage to salvage the re-mains of his unique culture. Hook grew up with the ocean as his universe; he is a sea nomad from a vanishing world. The film fol-lows Hook from the bottom of the modern social ladder on a voyage into the heart of Moken territory off the coast of Myanmar. More than a quest to salvage the remains of his culture, he faces the universal questions of identity, love, loss and belonging. Director Bio Runar Jarle Wiik (b. 1967) graduated from London International Film School in 1988, and has since been involved in over a hundred film and television productions as either writer, director, producer, editor, cinematographer or camera operator. In 1994 he made his feature film debut with The Bikini Season. Since then, he has mainly been accepting assignments as D.O.P. on documentaries around the world. His travels have mainly been with either just the Director, as the Filmmaker in an expedition, or alone. In recent years his interests and focus lie predominantly on documentaries that address the plight of indigenous peoples. Director’s statement: The Moken are one of the few human cultures left on the planet that point us to what we may have lost on the way to modernity. Today they are the last sea-nomads still spending their entire life at sea aboard their ocean-crossing dug-out boats (Kabang). What is it that they might still offer us in our fast paced lives that we’ve forgotten about? Now under threat, their ways may soon fade and slip away, and the cultural fabric of the world impoverished by their loss. I want to tell the Moken’s story to the world, so we may know them and what they represent, and very possibly learn a thing or two about human development. I will be filming inside the world of one of the most isolated small scale traditional societies left on the planet, the marine nomadic Moken people, who live at sea in the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of Burma, and on Mu Koh Surin; an island group far out in the Andaman Sea on the border between Burma and Thailand. I have been developing this film with them for more than five years and I know them intimately. I count them as friends as much as subjects and that connection will allow me to construct this film. In the past ten years the population of free-roaming Moken have gone from over 10000 to well under 2000. Time is running out. Our main character, Hook, has become a close personal friend of mine. His people have expressed that although they are usually unwilling to relate to strangers (outsiders), they are now unreservedly positive towards my film initiative and the works of Project Moken. Awards 2014:Eurodok - European Documentary Film Festival: Audience Award 2014:Nordic/Docs: Best Cinematography 2014:The Norwegian Short Film Festival: Gullstolen - The Golden Chair Award

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