猫眼电影 > 追寻


2009-03-20印度上映 / 101分钟

Firaaq是乌尔都语,意思是分离与追寻。分离在思想和心灵上超越了肉体。追寻和平与理解是我们唯一的希望。 这部电影描写了2002年印度古吉拉特邦一个可怕的社区大屠杀后24小时里面发生的事情,涉及到在最关键的时刻,真正的朋友间的忠诚,追寻了普通人的情感历程——有受害者、施暴者、和一些冷眼旁观的人: 一个中产阶级家庭主妇在拒绝帮助一个受害者之后,与自己的内疚做着斗争;一个年轻人组成的帮派想要对他们在暴乱中受的罪进行报复;一对不幸的印度穆斯林隐藏了他们的身份;一个小男孩寻找他丢失的父亲;一个音乐家试着坚持自己的理想。 本片是建立在上千个故事上的一个虚构之作。女演员兰迪塔·达斯(Nandita Das)执导了这部影片。Naseeruddin Shah, Raghubir Yadav, Paresh Rawal, Dipti Naval, Sanjay Suri等人出演,兰迪塔·达斯和Shichi Kothari编剧。本片将在下月(2008年9月5日)的多伦多电影节首映,并将在年底于印度公映。兰迪塔·达斯因在电影‘Fire’, ‘Bawander’, ‘1947 Earth’ 和 ‘Maati Maay’中的表演而广为人知。她这部首次执导的影片由Percept Picture Company制片。 Firaaq is an Urdu word that means both separation and quest. Separations in the minds and hearts go beyond the physical. And the quest for peace and understanding is our only hope. Actress Nandita Das is making a film “Firaaq” as an director that cast Naseeruddin Shah, Raghubir Yadav, Paresh Rawal, Dipti Naval, Sanjay Suri and more. The movie is written by Nandita Das and Shichi Kothari. The film will have a Premiere at the Toronto Film Festival next month and will be releasing in India by the end of the year. Nandita Das is knownKnown for her powerful performances in ‘Fire’, ‘Bawander’, ‘1947 Earth’ and ‘Maati Maay’. The first debut film as a directer by Nandita Das is produced by Picture Perfect. Firaaq is a film covering happenings around a 24 -hour period, a month later to a horrible communal carnage. A middle class family wife closes her doors on a victum and then struggles to overcome her guilt. The films deals with loyalties of real friends during the time of need. A gang of young group wants to take revenge who sufferred during a riot. An unfortunate Hindu-Mulsim couple hides their identity. A young boy searches for his lost father. A musicial tries to stick to his idealities.

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