猫眼电影 > The Eleventh Commandment
The Eleventh Commandment海报封面图

The Eleventh Commandment


Dora Chester violates the Eleventh Commandment -- "Thou Shalt Marry None but the Man Thou Lovest" -- when she rejects her sweetheart, Robert Stanton, and becomes engaged to the wealthy Kenneth Royce. Royce is actually a stock gambler, and after he goes broke, he forces Dora to give him a sum of money that has been placed in her charge by her employer. Royce loses the money and runs away, but Dora refuses to implicate him in the crime and is sent to prison for a year. After her release, Dora meets and marries Robert, who knows nothing of the affair, but when Royce appears and threatens to blackmail her, she confesses everything. A policeman arrives and shoots Royce, who exonerates Dora just before his death.

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