猫眼电影 > Beulah



Dr. Guy Hartwell, a young and wealthy Louisiana physician, was a man of strange personality. Five years previous to the opening of the story he married and bestowed sincere love upon his wife. In return she basely played him false and shortly afterward died. From that moment he was a changed man. Embittered against the world, mankind and even distrusting God, the silent and melancholy man lived on. With the doctor lived his widowed sister and her daughter, whom everyone considered as the heir of the physician's wealth. In the same city lived Beulah Benton, who was sent from the orphan asylum out into the world to earn her living as a servant girl, while her little sister Lillian found a home as the foster daughter of a rich lady. At the orphanage Beulah learned to love Eugene, another inmate, but he, too, was adopted by a wealthy family and sent abroad to be educated. He promised upon his return to make Beulah his wife.

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