猫眼电影 > 致命心魔


Something Is Killing Tate
2008-02-02美国上映 / 78分钟

再过数周就要结婚的25岁非洲裔美国男孩Tate Bradley,在他生日的前一天,企图自杀。受尽煎熬后,他活了下来,但从他的举动中,明显可以看出“有某种东西在杀死他”。问题是:那东西是什么?Tate试图把自己关在公寓里以远离世界。让他诧异的是,在他坎坷生命中的重要角色,一个接一个的前来探望他。随着这些来访者的到来,逐步的揭示出每个家庭成员、朋友和敌人在Tate的自杀中起到的作用——迫使Tate开始面对自己的心魔。 这部好评如潮的独立电影获得了2008年 5个电影节(Arizona Black Film Showcase、Hollywood Black Film Festival、Los Angeles Pan African Film Festival、San Diego Film Festival、San Francisco Black Film Festival)的8项大奖。 Days before his birthday and weeks before his wedding, Tate Bradley, a twenty-five year old, African-American man attempts to commit suicide. He survives the ordeal, but from his actions, it is obvious that "Something is Killing Tate." The question is: "What?" Tate attempts to isolate himself to his apartment - hiding from the world. To his dismay, one by one the significant players in his troubled life come to check on him. With each visit, more is revealed about how each family member, friend, and enemy played a role in Tate's attempted suicide - forcing Tate to face his demons.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900