猫眼电影 > 弗兰肯斯坦计划


Szelíd teremtés - A Frankenstein-terv
IMDb 5.6

很久以前,一个年轻人有了一个儿子,但他对此并不知情。他的儿子Rudi在抚养院长大,17岁时回来寻找自己的家庭,希望得到母亲的承认和关爱,尤其是打听父亲的身份。但他发现自己并不受欢迎。无心插柳柳成荫,Rudi得到了一次试镜机会。电影导演被他的纯真所打动,认为他就是自己所寻找的主角人选。但是,一场飞来横祸结束了Rudi的美梦,使他成为被通缉的杀人犯,而这时导演发现这个乖僻沉默的男孩竟然是自己的儿子,是自己创造了这样一个恶魔。他唯一的选择陪在儿子身边,帮他度过人生的突然转变,和他一起赎罪。 Long ago, a young man fathered a child without ever knowing what became of him. Now 17, his son Rudi returns home hoping to reunite with his family after years spent in an institution. Returning to his mother, he hopes to find acceptance, affection, and most importantly, who his father is, but finds that he is not welcome. Almost by accident, Rudi slips into a casting session. The director of the film is transfixed by his innocence and thinks he has found his lead. But a terrible event soon compromises Rudi’s good intentions. He becomes a hunted murderer, and the director realizes that Rudi, this peculiar and silent boy, is his son and his own monstrous creation. The director now has no other choice but to accompany his son on his inevitable, brutal path and their common search for redemption.

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